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My Favorite Non-Toxic Cleaners


My Favorite Non-Toxic Cleaners

When it comes to cleaning your home, there are so many products to choose from and typically, the ones with a great scent, are the ones that tell you your home is “clean”. Did you know that fragrance is one of the top allergens and has been called the new “secondhand smoke”?

I started slowly tossing out my old cleaners, and as I learned more about fragrances, I became more conscious about what I was using to clean. It all started when my daughter was a baby, and now that my son has asthma, I’ve been even more aware that what we use to clean really does have an effect. Here are some of my favorites and ones that I use in my home!

#1 Branch Basics – this is my GOAT – they have a concentrate, that when mixed in certain dilutions, is used in their bottles to clean almost your entire home! I also use it to clean my fruit and veggies!

Click here for the Starter Kit!

#2 Truly Free – this is a new to me brand, but I started using their dishwasher detergent and found that it works better than any other that I have tried. My glasses sparkle and there are no water streaks. They also have many other products, check them out!

Truly Free Home

#3 Force of Nature – love this product when you feel like you need to disinfect. Great replacement for Lysol and bleach!

Force of Nature Clean

#4 Clean Smart products – I also love these products for disinfecting. They use hypochlorous acid and it’s family and pet safe. They claim it kills 99.9% of virus and other germs! You can buy on Amazon or on their website and I love that they have travel size to take with you, they are great for airplanes!

CleanSmart Home